# Payment Method

# Brazil

Parameter Method Amount Limit(BRL) Settled Time Expire Time Refund Restriction
CreditCard Credit Card 0.5~50000 Instant, or 1~4d when risk-controlled Yes Apply Individually
PIX PIX 0.1~50000 Instant QR code expires after 2h Yes
Boleto Boleto (Cash) 5~15000 In 5m~3d after paid Users need to pay within 1 month Yes
DepositExpress Deposit Express (Bank Transfer) 4~50000 In 4h after paid Users need to pay within 7 days Yes
Lottery Lottery (Cash) 4~2000 In 1h after paid Users need to pay within 10 days Yes
method=Wallet, channel = PicPay PicPay Wallet ~5000/transaction ~20000/person/day Instant Users need to pay within 3 minutes Yes (Only full amount refund)
method=Wallet, channel = AME AME Wallet 0.1~15000 Instant Yes
method=Wallet, channel = Paypal PayPal Wallet 0.1~15000 Instant Yes Apply Individually
CardVirtual Card Virtual ~ Instant, or 1~4d when risk-controlled N/A