# Direct integration

API Direct Payment

# Request Base URL

Test Environment : https://gateway-test.transfersmile.com
Prod Environment : https://gateway.transfersmile.com

# EndPoints


# Request Header

Parameter Required Description
Content-Type recommend application/json
Authorization yes Basic Base64(app_id:security_key)

# Request Body (JSON format)

Parameter Type Required Max Length(or Default Value) Description
app_id string yes 32 created app's id at dashboard
timestamp string yes 19 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
out_trade_no string yes 64 ID given by the merchant in their system
method string no 32 Payment Methods​
channel string no 32 sub channel(only use at method 'Wallet')
order_currency string yes 3 BRL for brazil
order_amount decimal yes 0.01 ~ 99999999999999.99 request payment amount
subject string yes 128 payment reason or item title
content string Yes 255 payment reason detail or item detail. . This will be shown on the bank bill.
notify_url string yes IPN URL to merchant(start with http)
buyer_id string yes merchant user's id
timeout_express string no 90m m(minutes), h(hours), d(days), c(always end in currency day)
token string no required for CreditCard
fingerprint string no required for CreditCard
issuer string no issuer of credit card(required for CreditCard)
installments integer no 1 installments for CreditCard
bank string no bank code, required for DepositExpress (itau,santander,bradesco,banco-do-brasil,caixa) Cash (Use bank_id from Bank Query);BankTransfer (Use bank_id fromBank Query); Khipu (Use bank_id from Bank Query);
language_code string no language code, required for Cash, BankTransfer. (Use language_code from Bank query)
customer.name string yes user's name
customer.email string yes user's email
customer.phone string yes user's mobile phone number
customer.identify.number string yes user's ID number
customer.identify.type string yes user's ID type
address.zip_code string yes zip code
address.state string yes state
address.city string yes city
address.street_number string yes street1 number
address.street string yes street1
address.neighborhood string no street2
user_ip string no user's IP address(required for CreditCard)
website_url string no 128 merchant website URL

# Request Sample

curl --location --request POST 'https://gateway.transfersmile.com/trade/create' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Base64(appid:security_key)' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "app_id": "app_id",
    "content": "content",
    "method": "Boleto",
    "notify_url": "notify_url",
    "order_amount": 10,
    "order_currency": "BRL",
    "out_trade_no": "{{$randomUUID}}",
    "subject": "subject",
    "timeout_express": "1h",
    "timestamp": "{{datetime}}",
    "customer": {
      "name": "name",
      "email": "email",
   "phone": "phone",
   "identify": {
    "address": {
      "zip_code": "84043450",
      "state": "Parana",
      "city": "Ponta Grossa",
      "street"; "Colônia Dona Luíza",
      "street_number": "18",
    "user_ip": ""

# Http Response (JSON format)

Parameter Type Description Method Text
code string return code
​ msg string return msg
​ sub_code string return sub code(only error)
​ sub_msg string return sub msg(only error)
out_trade_no string request out_trade_no
​ trade_no string transfersmile trade NO.
​ trade_status string
​ pay_url string Redirect users to the payment URL Argentina: Khipu, Bank Transfer; Brazil: PIX, Lottery, Boleto, DepositExpress;Mexico: SPEI, OXXO, OXXOPay;Colombia: PSE, Efecty, Bancolombia, SuRed, Wallet ClaroPay, Gana;Chile: Khipu, Pago46, Bank Transfer, Cash, Wallet Chek;Peru: Bank Transfer, Cash;Ecuador: Bank Transfer, Cash;Costa Rica: Cash, BNCR;Panama, Guatemala: Cash;Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay: Bank Transfer;
​ reference string The value of reference is the ticket number that the user needs to use for payment Argentina: Bank Transfer, Rapipago, PagoFacil;Mexico: SPEI, CoDi, Cash;Colombia: Bancolombia, SuRed, Gana;Chile: Cash;Peru: Bank Transfer, Cash;Costa Rica: Cash, BNCR;Panama, Guatemala: Cash;Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay: Bank Transfer
​ barcode string Use the value of barcode to generate a scanable barcode can help users to make payment faster Argentina: Rapipago,PagoFacil;Brazil: Lottery, Boleto;Mexico: OXXO, OXXOPay
​ qr_code string QR code Brazil: PIX;Mexico: CoDi
​ qr_code_url string System generated images of qr code which can be used directly on merchant website depending on needs. Brazil: PIX
​ qr_code_img string System generated images of qr code which can be used directly on merchantwebsite depending on needs. Brazil: PIX
​ provider_owner string bank info : account owner; only in DepositExpress
​ provider_owner_document string bank info : account owner document; only in DepositExpress
​ provider_agency string bank info : account agency; only in DepositExpress
​ provider_number string bank info : account number; only in DepositExpress
​ partner_code string The value of reference is the ticket number that the user needs to use for payment Colombia: Bancolombia, SuRed, Gana;Costa Rica: BNCR
​ bank_name string bank info : bank name Brazil: DepositExpress;Mexico: SPEI
​ bank_no string Users only need to use the value of bank_no to finish payment at loterica store Brazil: Lottery
​ bank_code string The ticket number that the user needs to use for payment Brazil: Boleto
​ clabe string Unique automatically generated bank account Only SPEI Mexico
​ wallet_url string Redirect users to the wallet payment page Only in Wallet payment method Brazil: AME, PicPay;Colombia: Wallets (Tpaga, Dale, Daviplata, Movii, Nequi, Rappipay)
​ app_link_url string Redirect users to the wallet app payment page (for mobile walle application) For mobile wallet app use only Brazil: AME;Chile: Mach, Vita
​ instruction string Take the recipient's bank details from the response parameter - "instruction" and present to users Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay: Bank Transfer

# Return Code (Success)

    "code": "10000",
    "msg": "Success",
    "out_trade_no": "{out_trade_no}",
    "trade_no": "{trade_no}",
    "trade_status": "PROCESSING",
    "pay_url": "https://checkout-testv2.transfersmile.com/checkout?prepay_id=XX",
    "barcode": "{barcode}",
    "qr_code": "{qr_code}",
    "provider_owner": "{provider_owner}",
    "provider_owner_document": "{provider_owner_document}",
    "provider_agency": "{provider_agency}",
    "provider_number": "{provider_number}",
    "wallet_url": "{wallet_url}",
    "app_link_url": "{app_link_url}"

# Return Code (Fail)

    "code": "40002",
    "msg": "Business Failed",
    "sub_code": "invalid-signature",
    "sub_msg": "invalid signature"


Return_url is not required in the request parameters, you can also append the return_url after the web_url when redirect: